
The 20 Most Inspiring Health and Fitness Mantras

From inspiring slogans and manifestos to motivational ads and billboards, there’s no shortage of inspiration to keep health routines going strong. These powerful messages can help you stay on track to being your happiest, healthiest, and fittest yet.

1. Take the First Step

2. Be Bold

3. Be Brave

4. Be Above Average

5. Be Accountable

6. Take a Stand

7. Keep Moving Forward

8. Make Waves

9. Think Positive

10. Forget Fear

11. Live Your Dream

12. Make Like Forrest

13. Stay Focused

14. Find Your Stride

15. Test Yourself

16. Get an Upgrade

17. Charge Ahead

18. Remember to Breathe

19. 'Nuff Said

20. Be a Greatist
